Recipe: Appetizing Dimsum Ayam No Telur
Dimsum Ayam No Telur . You can have Dimsum Ayam No Telur using 20 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Dimsum Ayam No Telur You need 15 lembar of kulit pangsit. You need of Bahan Adonan. Prepare 250 gram of daging ayam (blender halus). You need 1 siung of bawang putih (parut). Prepare 1 batang of daun bawang (potong kecil-kecil). It's 1 batang of daun seledri (potong kecil-kecil). Prepare 1/2 buah of labu siam (parut). Prepare 1/2 buah of wortel (parut). It's 6 sdm of tepung maizena (pake tapioka lebih baik). It's 1/4 sdt of merica bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam. Prepare 1 sdm of gula. You need 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk. Prepare 1 sdm of saos tiram. It's of Bahan saos. It's 5 sdm of saos bolognese. It's 1 sdm of saos pedas. Prepare of Secukupkan air lemon. Prepare of Topping. Prepare 1/2 buah...